• Video to Blog

  • AffiliatesPricingBlog


    Driven by the feedback we recieve from our users, we offer many ways for you to customize your generated blogs.

    GPT-3.5 or GPT-4

    You can choose to have your blog generated with GPT-3.5 or GPT-4.

    GPT-3.5 is low cost and faster.

    GPT-4 is higher quality but higher cost (see pricing for more info).

    Generall, we recommend starting out with GPT-3.5 and if the quality does not meet your needs, try using GPT-4.

    GPT 3.5 v 4

    Multiple Blog Length Options

    We currently support three blog lengths:

    • Short (~700 words)
    • Medium (~1500 words)
    • Long (~2500 words)

    We recommend only using long blogs for videos over 20 minutes.

    Blog lengths drop down

    Automatically Add Screenshots

    You can automatically add screenshots from the video to your generated blog.

    Add AI Generated Featured Images

    Need a featured image for your blog? We can easily generate one for you using DALL-E-3. These images are 100% unique and will be relevant to your generated blog.

    AI Edits

    Once your blog is generated, you can use AI to edit your blog with one of our many built-in tools simply by highlighting any text you want to modify.

    AI edits

    AI Content Detector

    If making sure your generated blog does not come us as written by AI is important to you, we offer an AI content detector which will tell you whether the content is likely to flagged as written by AI.

    We also offer an option to humanize a generated blog which will slightly rewrite the blog to make it bypass AI detectors.

    We use Ghost AI

    as our content detector and humanizer.
    AI content detection

    Content Analyzer

    Analyzer your blog content to ensure optimizal SEO optimization. Easily see how readable your content is, structure analysis, keyword analysis, and more.

    Content analyzer

    Multiple Export and Sharing Options

    You can export your generated blog in one or more of the following ways:

    You can also easily share your blog using a public link, on Facebook, X, LinkedIn, and more.

    Export options

    Multi-Language Support

    We can generate blogs with videos in almost any language. Additionally, blogs can translated in a different langugage than in the video.

    Multiple language support

    Generate SEO Metadata

    You can generate SEO metadata with your blog which includes meta title and meta description.

    SEO metatitle and metadescription

    Generate Email/Social Media Promotions

    You can generate promotional text to help promote your blog via email or social media. When enabled, you will get promotional text relevant for each of the following platforms:

    • Email
    • Facebook
    • Instragram
    • X (aka Twitter)
    • LinkedIn
    • Whats App
    Generate promotions

    Specify a Format

    You can specify a particular format for blog including the following:

    • Summary
    • Listicle
    • Product Review
    • News Report
    • AIDA
    • Tutorial

    You can also add a custom format.

    Blog formats


    Easily specify a particular tone for your blog to be written in. This could be anything from a "happy" tone to a "hilarious pirate with a british accent" tone.

    Blog tones

    Point of View

    You can specify your blog to be written from a first person or third person point of view.

    Point of views

    Primary Keyphrase

    If you want to optimize the blog on a particular keyphrase for SEO reasons, you can easily do that as well.

    Primary keyphrase

    Additional Instructions

    This is perhaps one of our most powerful features. This allows you specify any instructions that are not covered in our preset options.

    Additional Instructions

    Advanced Image Editing

    You can edit any and all images in your blog including screenshots, AI generated images, uploaded images, and more.

    Our image editor lets you crop, resize, blur, redact, annotate, and much more.

    Add FAQs

    Easily add a FAQ section to your generated blog.

    Add Table of Contents

    Easily add a Table of Contents section to your generated blog to make it easier to scan and navigate.

    Add a Custom Footer

    This options lets you add a custom footer to your generated blog which can make it easy to add the same footer to multiple blogs. This is great for adding a call to action or any other details that are the same from blog to blog.

    Use Video Chapters as an Outline

    This option lets you specify that you want a blog with the same outline as the chapters in the YouTube video.

    Custom Outlines

    You can also specify a custom outline to help guide the AI to write in a particular format.

    Add Links

    You can specify particular links you want to be included in the blog and the AI will include these links into the blog in a natural way.

    Auto Add Links from YouTube Description

    You can tell our AI to automatically add links that are in the YouTube description to your generated blog.

    Add Emojis

    This option can be used to add emojis to headers in your blog.

    Specify Time Range

    If you only want to generate a blog on a particular part of a video, you can also specify a time range to do so.

    Upload Videos

    You can also upload a video to generate a blog instead of having to only use YouTube videos.